Silk Sense
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Common problems

Making the most of what you have
A lot of organisations have plenty to say and plenty to offer but their website does not get this across.

I can help you make your website

·         appeal more to your customers

·         make it more succinct

·         use simpler language

·         and make it easier to understand.

Getting the best from your navigation

I can look at your navigation to see if it needs revising or updating. Have you got the ‘iceberg’ problem where there is a lot ‘below the water’ but it is not easy to find? I can help you with solutions such as directories, maps and indexes. 

Link mania
Does your website have so many links that the user never gets to the point of what you want to say?  Is the text sprinkled with links so that the flow is interrupted? Are you so worried about telling a comprehensive story that your reader gets link 'fatigue'?
I can help you find the flow again.

Have the technical specialists taken you over. Do your words read like a badly written manual?
If so you need help to get back to a simple and direct way of speaking to your readers.  

Contact me for an initial discussion.
Contact me